Clips, Clips, Clips

A Public Place to Say, ATTA BOY Keith !
Read it and weep : Nov. #'s: Total Viewers Vs. Nov. 2005 MSNBC : % change - +25% Fox : % change -12% From TV Newser There's more ..... from the Newser : Nov. #'s: "It's Official, We Are On A Roll," Dan Abrams Tells MSNBC Staffers |
Clip from : Not With Bush |
Clip from : Not With Bush |
The L.A. Times shows up late to the party :Keith Olbermann's gloves come off Full story here : By Matea Gold, Times Staff Writer Note : I've added a little module on the lower left. Check it out. |
If there's one person in the media/political swamp in Washington D.C. that needs to get out of the beltway, it's Howie. Consider this article he wrote yesterday for the Post : The Junkies Network. Mr. Kurtz gives a run down on why MSNBC's rating are improving, but as usual Howie misses the mark. In this case he didn't even hit the target. From reading the article one would assume that viewers are tuning in to see Andrea Mitchell grappling with a complete sentence live on the air. Or the appearances of Brian Williams and the other stars from the mother ship. All of these developments have happened this fall in the run-up to the elections, and in Howie's mind that's surely the reason that the ratings at the #3 cabal news network have started to rise. Only in the 11th paragraph does he get to the real reason the network's fortunes have improved, and this is how it's introduced : Some of the election coverage was anchored by Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, and Keith Olbermann, whose show "Countdown" has become a nightly feast of Bush-bashing. Nice huh ? The one person who has moved the numbers for the whole network gets billing under Joe Scarborough. To read Kurtz it's the other folks that are carrying poor Keith on their backs. Mr. Kurtz continues : His program could become a model for the newscast of the future," Abrams says. "It's a mix of straight news reporting with lighter fare and occasionally with some opinion." Some opinion? Not only does Olbermann steer clear of conservative guests, he has added an occasional "special comment" segment in which he recently urged President Bush to apologize to American troops for starting and mishandling the war, going on to suggest "you are not honest" and "you are far more stupid than the worst of your critics has suggested." See ... in Howie's world Bush hasn't made any mistakes, and if we'd all just swallow what's being spooned out to us .... everything would be just peachy. In Howie's world the model of "Balance" rules. The right-wing pit bull and the liberal straw man. The truth and a lie. In Howies world this is the model the news should follow. Why ? Cause Fox said it should. But, back to Howie's big miss in his piece. The numbers have been on the move at MSNBC for some time now. Want to follow along ? Bookmark these guys : TV Newser The numbers began to spike after Keith delivered his Aug. 30th Special Comment. To read Kurtz they are just a mere curiosity and not worth looking at. But on the other coast and away from D.C. ..... CW Nevius writing in the San Franciso Cronicle wrote : "The result has been a cultural earthquake." See, Kurtz can't write about the central figure in MSNBC's turn around, that would give credit where it's due. Just like Howard Dean didn't have anything to do with all those governors and state houses moving into the Democratic column on Nov. 7th. Because as others have said before, Washington isn't the seat of our national government, it's an 8th grade student council meeting ..... And the popular kids just aren't going to let anybody into the "click". ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
Clip from : Not With Bush ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE |
Clip from Mad Mustard Reminder .... Olbermann will give Bush a history lesson on the Vietnam War Monday night. ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
Note : The man in question is a 39 year-old unemployed si-fi buff who was living with his parents. Clip from : Not With Bush ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
CW Nevius writing in the San Franciso Cronicle : " Olbermann taps a well of discontent as the anti-O'Reilly " Then he found one. A little over a year ago, as the White House fumbled and botched the Hurricane Katrina recovery, Olbermann finally blew up. {See that Special Comment here} He concluded a broadcast of his MSNBC cable news show, "Countdown,'' with an indignant rant in the rat-a-tat-tat cadence of his idol, Edward R. Murrow. He called it a "Special Comment.'' And just like that, Olbermann found his voice -- the angry everyman. He became a liberal counterpoint to conservative media ranters like O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, and an Internet star, too. The result has been a cultural earthquake." Here's an " ATTA BOY " for CW. He wrote an article that gets to the heart of the matter. CW also reports this nugget : " Suddenly, everyone wants Olbermann. Last week, he and political veteran Chris Matthews teamed up to anchor MSNBC's midterm election coverage. The result? Abrams called it "a major turning point for this network.'' Ratings were up across the board and the coveted 25-to-54 age demographic increased 111 percent from the 2002 midterm election. " Read CW's article HERE. ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
Here's a clip of Keith doing a Comment after Katrina.![]() It's the same powerful stuff . Dear Mr Olbermann, Thank you so much for doing what you do. I'm a life-long Republican and I can't stand what my party has become; I can't stand the lies, the spinning of the lies, the stubborn refusal to admit mistakes, the lack of civil discourse, the idiocy, the criminal behavior... and the lying about all of the above. You, sir, possess that fine quality called integrity which is so sorely lacking in much of the media,especially the right-wing media. You are a voice of honesty that rises above the maddening noise of the Others. Keep doing what you've been doing, and again, thank you. Jeanne Ringland Here's yer " ATTA GIRL " .... Jeanne C.B. See the " ATTA BOY " Archives for what people have been saying. It's just above the the site meter. The Count Up : 752 ATTA BOYS 195 ATTA BOYS at TYKO. Org Hits :16,060 Tell your friends to drop by and add an ATTA BOY ! Join the Friends of TYKO link here, and we'll link right back at ya. ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
Clip from Mike at : Not With Bush ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
We'll have the Special Comment a little later .... In the mean time here's one from Mike at : Not With Bush ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
From TV Newser : Correspondents Tell Olbermann: "I Wish I Could Say That Too" Keith Olbermann says virtually all of his colleagues at MSNBC have been supportive of his special comments, with "a lot of correspondents saying 'I wish I could say that too.'" The Countdown host participated in a comments thread at Firedoglake yesterday, and he said management gives him "no crap" about the special comments. "The only thing they ask for is more of them," he says. "I point out I can't supply these on demand. They're organic; otherwise I'm Limbaugh without the hallucinogens." He also described how he comes up with the special comments: A) Get pissed off. B) Hear the 'Special Comment' bell go off in my head. C) Write it D) Rewrite it E) Re-rewrite it in the morning F) Do it aloud three or four times G) Get the rest of the show done H) Do it with the knowledge it has to be done by exactly 9:00:00 ET. He also revealed he is discussing a "Special Comment" book... ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
![]() REMINDER This afternoon at 5 p.m. est. Olbermann online at Firedoglake |
Clip from : Not With Bush For over 5 years we've been told that the worst thing possible, is the Terrorists would explode a nuclear device in an American City ..... And that only Bush could stop that ... What happens ? Bush orders Saddam's engineering schematics for his bomb on to the World Wide Web !!!!! The Weekly Standard from March 20.2006 on how this stupid move was decided by our idiot president : Who'll Let the Docs Out? Bush wants to release the Saddam files but his intelligence chief stalls. by Stephen F. Hayes 03/20/2006, Volume 011, Issue 25 ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
Clip from : Not With Bush Countdown tonight broke the news that the major newspaper chain that serves the military ; The Army Times , The Navy Times , The Air Force Times , and The Marine Corps Times in their Monday editions will call for the ouster of the Sec. of Defense . Stay tuned this is a major vote of No Confidence in the Bush Administration. According to MSNBC, an editorial to be published on Monday in the Military Times is said to call for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. The voice of military community saying Rumsfeld must go is huge, and may swing Conservative votes. The Military Times provides publications for the 4 main branches of the military - The Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Times, and the Marine Corp. Times, which is the favored reading of troops overseas, on military bases, and the military families who traditional vote conservatively. ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
November 3, 2006 Op-Ed Columnist Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you’re stupid. Yes, they do. They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by John Kerry — a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, never ran away from combat service — and get you to vote against all Democrats in this election. Every time you hear Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney lash out against Mr. Kerry, I hope you will say to yourself, “They must think I’m stupid.” Because they surely do. They think that they can get you to overlook all of the Bush team’s real and deadly insults to the U.S. military over the past six years by hyping and exaggerating Mr. Kerry’s mangled gibe at the president. What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to the U.S. military than to send it into combat in Iraq without enough men — to launch an invasion of a foreign country not by the Powell Doctrine of overwhelming force, but by the Rumsfeld Doctrine of just enough troops to lose? What could be a bigger insult than that? What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to our men and women in uniform than sending them off to war without the proper equipment, so that some soldiers in the field were left to buy their own body armor and to retrofit their own jeeps with scrap metal so that roadside bombs in Iraq would only maim them for life and not kill them? And what could be more injurious and insulting than Don Rumsfeld’s response to criticism that he sent our troops off in haste and unprepared: Hey, you go to war with the army you’ve got — get over it. What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to our men and women in uniform than to send them off to war in Iraq without any coherent postwar plan for political reconstruction there, so that the U.S. military has had to assume not only security responsibilities for all of Iraq but the political rebuilding as well? The Bush team has created a veritable library of military histories — from “Cobra II” to “Fiasco” to “State of Denial” — all of which contain the same damning conclusion offered by the very soldiers and officers who fought this war: This administration never had a plan for the morning after, and we’ve been making it up — and paying the price — ever since. And what could possibly be more injurious and insulting to our men and women in Iraq than to send them off to war and then go out and finance the very people they’re fighting against with our gluttonous consumption of oil? Sure, George Bush told us we’re addicted to oil, but he has not done one single significant thing — demanded higher mileage standards from Detroit, imposed a gasoline tax or even used the bully pulpit of the White House to drive conservation — to end that addiction. So we continue to finance the U.S. military with our tax dollars, while we finance Iran, Syria, Wahhabi mosques and Al Qaeda madrassas with our energy purchases. Everyone says that Karl Rove is a genius. Yeah, right. So are cigarette companies. They get you to buy cigarettes even though we know they cause cancer. That is the kind of genius Karl Rove is. He is not a man who has designed a strategy to reunite our country around an agenda of renewal for the 21st century — to bring out the best in us. His “genius” is taking some irrelevant aside by John Kerry and twisting it to bring out the worst in us, so you will ignore the mess that the Bush team has visited on this country. And Karl Rove has succeeded at that in the past because he was sure that he could sell just enough Bush cigarettes, even though people knew they caused cancer. Please, please, for our country’s health, prove him wrong this time. Let Karl know that you’re not stupid. Let him know that you know that the most patriotic thing to do in this election is to vote against an administration that has — through sheer incompetence — brought us to a point in Iraq that was not inevitable but is now unwinnable. Let Karl know that you think this is a critical election, because you know as a citizen that if the Bush team can behave with the level of deadly incompetence it has exhibited in Iraq — and then get away with it by holding on to the House and the Senate — it means our country has become a banana republic. It means our democracy is in tatters because it is so gerrymandered, so polluted by money, and so divided by professional political hacks that we can no longer hold the ruling party to account. It means we’re as stupid as Karl thinks we are. I, for one, don’t think we’re that stupid. Next Tuesday we’ll see. |
![]() Keith Olbermann will be online at the Firedoglake Book Salon this Sunday. Starting at 5 p.m. eastern. Head on over there and give Keith an " ATTA BOY " FIREDOGLAKE |
SPECIAL COMMENT 11/1/2006 CLIPS FROM : NOT WITH BUSH Keith and Paul Rieckhoff from last night : IAVA The Count Up : 704 ATTA BOYS 181 ATTA BOYS at TYKO.ORG Hits :12,043 Tell your friends to drop by and add an ATTA BOY ! I'm working on a link page of the first 500 Thank Yous, and I'll be publishing them in batches of 500. Join the Friends of TYKO link here, and we'll link right back at ya. ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
From :The Hollywood Reporter "Keith Olbermann is the right person at the right time, and doing it in the right way," MSNBC general manager Dan Abrams said. Dan's email, send him an " ATTA BOY " ..... MSNBC : POD CAST SIGNUP PAGE ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |
Clip from : Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |