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CW Nevius writing in the San Franciso Cronicle : " Olbermann taps a well of discontent as the anti-O'Reilly " Then he found one. A little over a year ago, as the White House fumbled and botched the Hurricane Katrina recovery, Olbermann finally blew up. {See that Special Comment here} He concluded a broadcast of his MSNBC cable news show, "Countdown,'' with an indignant rant in the rat-a-tat-tat cadence of his idol, Edward R. Murrow. He called it a "Special Comment.'' And just like that, Olbermann found his voice -- the angry everyman. He became a liberal counterpoint to conservative media ranters like O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, and an Internet star, too. The result has been a cultural earthquake." Here's an " ATTA BOY " for CW. He wrote an article that gets to the heart of the matter. CW also reports this nugget : " Suddenly, everyone wants Olbermann. Last week, he and political veteran Chris Matthews teamed up to anchor MSNBC's midterm election coverage. The result? Abrams called it "a major turning point for this network.'' Ratings were up across the board and the coveted 25-to-54 age demographic increased 111 percent from the 2002 midterm election. " Read CW's article HERE. ADD YOUR " ATTA BOYS " RIGHT IN HERE : |